For Women late 40’s/50’s/60’s- AND FB

Okay.... if anyone reading the title grabbed your attention, I have good news! I am 50 and have been an FB Member for almost 2 years. When I joined, I thought I was in shape because I ran, but ha, ha, no way was I. So on Thursday, I had my annual doctor check up. Since February, I’ve lost 5 pounds and 3 points on the BMI index. So... full disclosure, I’m 5’ 3 “ weigh 127, BMI @22. February I was 133, BMI @25 which is borderline to where I didn’t want to ever be. I attribute this loss to Kelli & Daniel, THANKS GUYS! I specifically focused on strength training, some HIIT, eating clean. Anyone my age can attest how freaking hard it is to move the dial. It can be done. Stick with it ladies! I’m shouting out 1 more time... STRENGTH TRAIN!