

I've been working out with FB for 6 months now. I started with FB30 round 1 back in January. When I started I definitely thought that the HIIT and lower body workouts would get 'easier' for me but I swear they're getting harder and I have no idea why. Anyway, my question is, when you guys see that you have a particularly difficult workout scheduled, and you're dreading it (which I am!!!), how do you get motivated to power through? I work out at night after my little one goes to sleep so when I have these workouts scheduled I literally dread it all day!! Share your tips and self encouragement with me please!

Oh, and if you're wondering which workout I'm referring to...


I've done it about 5 times through the last 6 months and I've hated it every time. Those Oz jump squats are a killer!!!!!