July 4th Meals?

Okay, so for my fellow Americans, what's on the menu for today?

We're going waaaaay non-traditional ourselves...turduken tacos. Do you all know what a turduken is? 😉

Anyway, I really have no idea how this happened to end up on the menu for the 4th of July, but our brother and sister-in-law (no, not THAT brother and sister-in-law) are hosting, so we're going with it.

I'm gonna hobble around on my crutches while everyone else is lounging in/around the pool. I may try to get in myself, but I'm not supposed to be doing PT quite yet...so better that I stay as inactive as possible (curses!).

As for my dear #chefinthemaking, she couldn't control herself and even though she's not an American, she was convinced that we had to grill out yesterday in honor of the holiday.

So, of course, she did.

And, of course, I was fully supportive...from the bed, with my knee propped up, trying not to move.

I could smell the grill from inside and it was basically torture, as the smells were wafting all over the place, and I couldn't engage in my usual grill thievery when #chefinthemaking isn't looking.

What did she grill? Well, a glorious piece of salmon, which was melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Seriously, it was the perfect mix of crunchy on the outside and buttery tender on the inside. It’s almost as if she spends a lot of time at work on the grill. 😉⁣

There were lots of other wonderful grilled things on our plates too (mushrooms, baby broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, green onion, and zucchini), but I couldn’t take my eyes off of the salmon, so therefore took no pictures.

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans...and happy random Thursday everyone else! Hope everyone is having a great day.

P.S. Did you see all of those Giveaway winners today? I sure hope that whoever decided to choose 6 winners instead of 3 doesn't get into trouble. #sorrynotsorry
