NEW Workout + How strength training changed my mindset

Hello my Fitness Blender Family! How are you this morning?

I think you'll like this new workout, you can find it here: Complete Upper Body Workout for Strength & Toning: Arms, Shoulders, Chest and Back Workout

Here's a bite from the article that accompanies the new workout: For the longest time I avoided upper body strength training. A long time ago, I felt like strength training was a waste of time - especially for the upper body. It didn't leave me huffing and puffing and dripping sweat like cardio did, which at the time, I believed was the fastest way to burn the most fat and calories, ultimately leading to weight loss. In my teens and very early twenties, all I cared about in terms of fitness was being "smaller" and weighing less. How exciting! What an empty, utterly soul-sucking, life-draining goal.

But seriously. The value of this incredible, life changing, health improving training was lost on me because I didn't see it as being directly correlated with an incredibly narrow minded, one-track goal (being thinner). Now I know better. Now I know that there is much more to life and fitness and feeling good than weighing a certain amount or fitting into a certain size jeans. Plus, in my youth, I was very, very wrong about strength training being a waste of time when it comes to weight loss; lifting weights is one of the smartest, healthiest, most sustainable and efficient ways to lose weight. It matters. How you train the entire body, matters.

Regardless of what body part you may view as a "problem area" - a term I wouldn't mind seeing dying off, by the way - your whole body needs smart movement. Not just the parts that you've been likely taught or conditioned to dislike. ..... -> Read the rest of the article and weigh in with your own experience here!

I hope you guys are feeling good and that you enjoy this new workout.