Working on meal prep for weekdays lunches

Hello fb family!

I have always worked in academia-mostly in Europe. All of those places had canteens with a great variety of healthy options with a reasonable price subsidized by university. For this reason I never bothered to carry my lunch.

Since I moved in to Australia and started to work things changed. I wasn’t happy to eat those greasy, unhealthy, expensive food everyday. So last couple of month I started to work on developing a routine of meal prep for my lunches as well. In the beginning it was hard. But now I finally managed to develop a good routine of preparing mostly plant based lunches.

My goal is always to try to make a whole grain-legumes/other protein combo dish, accompanied by good chunk of veggies. From upper left to clockwise: quinoa-black beans, barley-brown lentils, barley risotto (fb recipe), bulgur-tuna, pumpkin -bacon-cheesy pasta. The vegetables always vary- fresh tomato-cucumber, kale, broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, Brussels sprouts are few of my favorites.

Some other grains-legumes I frequently use are buckwheat, chickpeas, brown rice, kidney beans, navy beans, red lentils. etc. I prepare two portions of each combo at a time since I can’t eat same food for a whole week. Also my lunch portions are not small (60gm grains+30gm legumes+ unlimited veggies). I also add eggs/fish if I feel like I have to up my protein.

I get my regular hiccups of unhealthy food, but I am trying to eat clean and healthy at least 80% of the time. I am still learning, would like to know how do you manage your lunches.
