
I know I shouldn't of...but I was watching Revenge body with Khloe K..and these people were losing 40 + lbs in 12 weeks...I haven't even come to close to that! I have been busting my butt, changed eating habits, (went on weight watchers) doing workouts at home, I dont know what else to do. I feel like i'm not going to lose weight by only doing workouts at home, but I cant get to the gym. I do a workout in the middle of the day so I can at least get some exercise in...My husband works and goes to the gym. By time he's done with his day, its time for me to cook dinner and do all the night stuff with the kids, like homework. I wanted to lose a good amount of weight before out vacation in 5 days and I feel like I didnt get any where with it, esp watching that show and the people lost so much more than I did in 12 weeks, which is the same length of time I have been doing everything. so frustrated
