Sweat week3 complete!

I’m pooped! (a word I learned right here on the forum and I adore it :D)

Talking about words, don’t you think K&D have a waaaay too broad sense of the word “comfortable”? Like when they say “do the range of motion that feels comfortable” and I’m thinking “so you mean don’t move?” :D

Okay, week 3 wrapped up with a bang! HIIT + strength + active/static killer burnout. I’m ready for those rest days and then onto final week, woohoo!

Guys, I think it’s safe to say Sweat will be my FIRST (out of 7) 4-week program that I’ll finish in… 4 weeks! I don’t think I’m jinxing it by talking too early, because accountability ;) Actually these daily check-ins may have had a lot to do with it so thanks for bearing with me.

Have a nice day and rock those workoutcompletes!