This is why I love Fitness Blender!

Four years ago, I was huge! I tried what felt like every weight loss strategy under the sun and managed to loose almost 18kg's with minimal exercise. As you know, loosing the weight is only 50% of the battle: changing your mindset and habits long term to keep the weight off is a whole other beast. I kept finding myself in either a weight gaining cycle (because stress is inevitable) and or just stuck in a rut.

I've been using Fitness Blender intermittently for years but could never seem to stay on the horse long enough. I would work out for a month, get amazing results (or not) and suddenly have no motivation to continue. I've literally given up on programs with one or two workouts to go because, you know, "life is just too hard right now" or "I just have too much going on". I hit an all time low last August when weighed in 10 kg heavier that the year before and a concerned friend asked me if I was trying to kill myself (by inviting lifestyle diseases and decreasing life expectancy). I dipped into my FB arsenal that I had amassed through multiple Cyber Monday sales (because saving is everything) and picked one program that I would commit to and would take it one day at a time. I started an exercise journal to frame my mind set. I found that actively spending time thinking about what I enjoyed most in the workout or how it made me feel created a feedback loop where I couldn't wait for that "workout complete" just so that I could write about it.

The first photo on the left was after already loosing 2kg. Fast forward 7 moths and I have now successfully completed:

Too many independent workouts to count

5 day challenge to burn fat and build lean muscle (twice)

FB Abs round 2

FB Booty

FB Flex

FB Burn round 1

FB Fit round 2 (start middle photo and end photo on right)

Even though I've weighed 4kgs less (at some point) than I currently do, I have never looked this good. Muscle is fabulous! It might weigh more but it definitely looks better.

I don't have a diet per se: I try to eat intuitively. I try intermittent fasting every so occasionally. I sometimes take exercise days off - as much as a month- without feeling guilty as I once would have. Self care is important: if you're injured don't try to be a hero, heal yourself first or you'll be the one who suffers in the end. I've learnt this the hard way.

I am eternally grateful to Kelli and Daniel for creating this platform where folks like me, who are absolutely horrified by the price of a gym contract, can take their lives back and master their own destiny. I have very minimal equipment and not a lot of free time but FB has helped me become a priority in my own life again.
