Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

cheat meals

Hey guys i just wanted to know what your advice is and also wanted know how many cheat meals do you eat on your cheat day? the reason why i asking this bc today is my cheat day but my mom was like eating sugary foods for the rest of day is like crazy eating and she said i should cheat meals instead so then i don't overeat but i don"t exactly know how many cheat meals should i have if its my cheat day and i have noticed that its not good for my body thinking oh its my cheat day and i should eat sugary foods or fry foods the rest of the day and eat nothing only healthy foods for 6 days straight and then it will be my cheat day again but its restricting yourself which isn't good and i want to stop myself for that like i do and will eat real foods 6 days straight but on my cheat days only have certain amount of cheat meals so how many cheat meals should i have on my cheat day ?
