Four Year Fitness Blender Anniversary!!

Today is my 4th Fitness Blender anniversary!

Got a high five from my workout buddy #furrytrainer. :P I can't even express how thankful I am to K&D for giving me something I can stick to long term. I never worked out at all through high school, and after that I tried many different things before finding them and just hated it and never kept with it, but now I've been working out consistently for FOUR YEARS! My high school self would think I'm insane. 😂 I've gained around 30 *pounds* of muscle, which is just crazy to me (how did I survive?!). I'm so much more capable and confident in what I can do - there's really just nothing bad to say. K&D are amazing.

I originally wanted to try a kickboxing class, but decided to check for free YouTube videos on it first, and I stumbled on one with Kelli. Did that on Friday, couldn't move at all on Saturday, started the 5 day challenge Monday, and bought my first program (Fbfit!) Wednesday. The rest is history!

And now I have both FB and WC clothing to show my love and advertise for them. 😁 (geo print leggings and Seafoam tank shown here!)
