Silly scales

We have a scale in our bathroom and I haven’t used it in a long time. I feel good. My clothes fit well. I’m healthy. I can run and play with my kids and go on family hikes. Why would I need to check my weight if I know my body is in a good state. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and they checked my weight. While I am still in a normal weight for my height, I was surprised to see I weigh 5 pounds more than I would have thought. At first, it didn’t bother me at all because I know I have increased my muscle and strength. Last night, it started to bother me and I briefly wondered if I need to work on losing weight. All because of a silly number! I have the same body I did before seeing my weight, but that number made me question myself. So, unless you need to check your weight for medical purposes, don’t get caught up in it and ignore the silly number if you have to step on a scale.

Now, to do my workout, Day 16 of Burn 2. I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!