Learning to take "strong" as a compliment!

I just wanted to pop in and thank this community for the non-stop stream of healthy messages. I, like many other Blenders, used to struggle with disordered eating and over-exercising and an overall really damaging body image. I just wanted to be as small as I possibly could, so I purposely disappeared for years of my life. It's been a long road trying to unlearn some of those messages, but this space has been a huge help. I can't say I'm totally "healed" (if such a thing exists). I still generally feel guilty after eating certain foods (like pasta or pizza for example) and sometimes overcompensate with my diet after indulging, rather than just moving on with my life.

BUT I am here to celebrate a small victory. Yesterday a friend of mine told me, unprompted, that my legs look super strong. The old me would have immediately felt that that meant I was too bulky or big and obsessed about how to slim down. But I genuinely felt proud. I put a lot of hard work into these legs and they are strong! I can see my quad muscles even when I'm not flexing, my butt is much rounder and more lifted than before. Still struggling to get that hamstring definition, but I'll keep working at it! Just taking a second today to be grateful for progress, both physical and mental-health wise.