Healthy Eating Challenge - Round 1 COMPLETE!

Hello FB Family!

How are you? I hope you're feeling great, wherever you are! I've been absent for a while (did you miss my posts? :P), mainly because my internet connection is still dead :( However, I simply had to post today, because it marks the 30th and last day of the first round of this challenge. So, let me write it proudly: #HealthyDayComplete #ChallengeComplete!

Yes, I made it! 30 days of healthy eating, wise food choices and all your support :D Now, are you ready for the next challenge? I'm starting Healthy Eating Challenge Round 2 tomorrow, so feel free to join!

For those of you still reading, I can't end this post without at least describing some of the meals I've been having while off-line. So, my aunts went on a mission to cheer me up, and made a lot of my favourite foods: meat balls with tomato sauce, pizza, stewed beef with peas, lentils soup, whole grain cookies... Not all at the same time, of course :) They just kept feeding us for days, and neither me nor my mother have been cooking because of the constant, delicious supply of food. Gotta love a close-knit family, right?

Blenders, this first round of the challenge has been great. See you tomorrow for round 2!

P.S. Internet connection will cooperate, hopefully :D