My journey: Stronger + Healthier= Happier

Hello, best community on the web and best fitness couple on the world!!

I want to tell you a short story about my health and fitness journey.

I found Fitness Blender around 2 years ago. I thought it was awesome and it was a great way to be fit. Little I know back then, that FB was going to become such an important part of my life and of this journey.

The last years before I started with FB, I used to get a high heart rate at nights before sleeping or very sick when eating fast food. Then I started eating clean and healthier, and started doing FB workouts. I started to feel so much better.

But I started too fast and too strong, so I overtrained and I got bored, also life and studies happened. So I stopped for some periods and do it again other periods.

However, last year was the one! I finished my studies, moved with my partner and had more time to exercise and make healthy meals because I don't have full time job yet. I have been freelancing, but I think that even helped for my fitness journey so I am not complaining.

From February 20th of 2018, I started the real journey. I started slowy but steady, not that stronger but getting there, I gave my body time to get use to the action and to the healthy food. It was difficult at first, healthy food tasted simple and boring to me. But I started doing some FB recipes or found other recipes on other websites and started trying them. Some were so goooood, some weren't, but I kept going and trying more things. Trying to find out what works for me.

I stopped for a month from July to August because I went to Vancouver to see my mom and siblings, and when travelling, food and workouts get another kind attention. And when we came back we didn't arrive home but to my partner's family's for another week.

Even though I went to Vancouver for a month and another week to my partner's family's, I workout the first two weeks. Then, my mother and stepdad had vacations so I wanted to do and spent more time with them and we still did many outdoor activities (lots of walking and hikes) and lots of playing around with my siblings. There I first so my real progress.

I had been weighting myself to see my progress with numbers. I did lose (from February to July) like 10 pounds or 5 kilos. But reaaaal progress I saw there.

We did a very hard hike to get to a beautiful lake on the other side of a small mountain. The hike was very inclinated with many rocks and it was like 1 hour. I found myself amazed when I did it with almost no rest and with energy and good breathing. I had gained endurance!

I stopped again for a week on September when I travelled to my city to get my diploma. And for another month when we went to miami on October to visit my father and when we arrived home I got a byopsy and couldn't exercise for a week, and then a procedure and it was another week without workouts. So when I started again, I started with some low impact cardio at first.

Because the kind of food I ate in Miami and because I tend to lose my eating habits too when I don't workout (still working on that but I am much better with that now), I gained all the weight back. But it didn't matter, I continued.

Now, I have been very focus since the beginning of November, even December couldn't put me down 😂 with all the celebrating. I lost around 7 pounds or 3.5 kilos again since then. But more than that, I have been feeling great! I feel stronger, I can do more half push ups than before (none or like one lol), I can do more jump squats on a row than before, I can do advace hiit with a modifications sometimes (before I did more modifications than now). I have so much endurance now💪.

I feel healthier and stronger and, for that, I feel happier.

I know this is a very long post. But I have to say THANK YOU.

To Kelli and Daniel, you made my journey a possible one. You made me believe that listening to my body, eating well and being kind to myself are the only things that matter in this amazing and worth it journey. You taught me that it doesn't matter how many times you get It wrong, you will get it right. And to appreciate what my body can do at the time it can do it.

And thank you to this community, full of amazing and kind people that always have advice, encourage and kind words to give each other.

Also, I needed to say that if you are a beginner trust in yourself, the journey will never be perfect or easy, but it is so worth it. Start slow, you'll get where you want to get soon enough. Be kind to yourself and your body, be thankfull for what your body can do. If you are and advance fitness lover, and you are having a bad time now, just remember that you can keep going, you will be able to start again whenever you are ready.

For any person, in any fitness level, LOVE yourself, push yourself when you can but listen to your body all the time.

Thank you again! And sorry for this long post. Hope it will help someone if needed ☺️
