Not your expected rant

Hello FB family!

I'm writing here today, with all good news, revelations, and all my support and kindness with the people that is having problems.

First of all, I got my boyfriend to do FB! He's a begginer, so he's managing now to do 20 min 3 times a week. It is a start and I couldn't be more proud!

As I have shared here before, I suffered a eating dissorder, being told that I had BED (Binging Eating Disorder) and a very negative body image all my life. I can't remember a day I didn't look at my tummy, and I hated it, and I hated myself so much because I wasn't good enough. Still, I struggle a bit.

But, FB, yoga and meditation are helping me a lot. My tummy doesn't bother me know, I'm in a healthy weight (BMI 22.2) and I eat as healthy as I can, and if I eat cake, nothing bad happens. This is so much hard work, a challenge every day, but I think I'm getting there, and surprise, I feel more beautiful than ever, even when I was so skinny, and so unhealthy in my habits.

My final message is: Thanks, Daniel and Kelli, and thanks, FB community, because your positive attitude is helping me a lot. And if someone else is facing bad stuff, lots of love from the UK :)