Happy New Year! And a new workout phase!

As we prepare to enter into 2019, some of us reflect while others look forward - others still do both. However you chose to ring in a new year, remember that knowledge, drive, and preparedness make for successful resolutions and the formation of new and hopefully better habits. Let your passion burn and fuel you to a happy new year, Blenders.

I enter into phase 2 of my custom workouts this week. I'm skipping a week of phase one because I'm getting too used to it. This phase will bring in a forth set, lower reps, and add targeted isolations into the compound work I've been doing.

Today consists of - 7 exercises, 4 and 3 sets, 8 and 10 reps.

Squat Thrusts - x4 sets, x8 reps

Commando Rows - x4 sets, x8 reps

Floor Press - x4 sets, x8 reps

Hang Clean Press - x4 sets, x8 reps

Skull Crushers - x3 sets, x10 reps

Bicep Curls - x3 sets, x10 reps

Core - Otis Ups, x3 sets, x10 reps