Sunday 👻checkin 5-5-24

Hey you lovely blenderbuddies again, here’s me as your 👻 for another day! I loved seeing all your green contributions yesterday. It’s amazing how many shades of green there are. On the subject of green and its shades, a silly fact….On Wednesday on the island we were pulling young green pine saplings from amongst green bracken and green heather. One of the women complained that the men seemed to NOT see some of them, i.e. weren’t doing as good a job as us, the ladies! We noticed saplings that the men had not pulled. Which prompted a comment from my husband: women see more colours than men! Apparently women also seem to be able to distinguish between colours more easily than men. Did you know that? Have you got any examples of that? Sorry for that off course ramble. Now on to what we are here for!!!

Workouts?!?! yes, no, no idea? For me it’s the latter. I did go for a 11 min seaswim yesterday (sea temp 11 degrees centigrade) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanted to go again today but the sea isn’t having it… too wild! 😢 As the weather is too awful to do anything outside, I am keen to do a total body workout. What’s your TB favourite? I know quite a few of you don’t like TB at all. Do you prefer UB, LB or core? And will you be doing a favourite workout today? Or something else or nothing?

Food: right, very short and sweet: absolutely totally no idea! Hubs’ turn to cook today. He may have mentioned pie yesterday.So as usual anything goes here! Let’s hear it from your kitchen.

Photo: I thought I could do a red theme or some other colour today, but I am just too keen to show you this beauty… walking amongst the vineyards in France I saw so many beautiful vines. This was my very favourite! I see a unicorn in it. Do you? Alert: more rambling coming up ( please ignore if you have had enough of me)! Another fact: this photo is an example of the Guyot pruning method, used for the chardonnay vines in Burgundy, France, where they prune to leave just one long branch with 5 to 6 nodes, that will then be folded and attached to the lower training wire; the fruit-bearing branches will then grow vertically from the nodes.

Anyway, lovelies, enjoy whatever is left of your Sunday, tomorrow you will have our wonderful Raven back again with all her wonderful photos.