HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group May 7th

Good Monday, Blendfriends! I started the day mellow with Nicole's bodyweight recovery cardio, which was a bit challenging to my back, so better to have gone light than tried something tougher.

Yesterday was an active recovery day -- just light housework and a bit of seed-sowing and transplanting. I've made cuttings of my big ficus, rooting some in soil and some in water. The water roots were looking strange bizarre -- fluffing outwards rather than growing long, so I decided to put them into soil and see if they might work better there. Either they do, or I have fewer new ficus plants! And this gives us today's quote :

"There are no garden mistakes, only experiments." (Janet Kilburn Philips)

I looked for a more fitness-related one, but there you are. It's always useful to be attentive to what we can learn from experience :)

Wishing everyone a mellow Monday and a good start to the week.